Current articles

Spring 2024, No. 1, Vol. 6 / Romanian Cyber Security Journal


Dr. ing. Adrian Victor VEVERA

Founding Editor in Chief, General Director, ICI Bucharest

I would like to express our gratitude to our community of contributors and readers for making the Romanian Journal of Cyber Security (ROCYS) an ongoing success story. Having entered our sixth year of publication, we can state that journal’s visibility is growing and this is reflected in the success of our efforts to have it indexed in as many reputable databases as possible. The quality of the article we publish issue after issue requires us to do no less than to ensure that ROCYS is visible at the highest level, just like the legacy publications of ICI Bucharest such as RRIA and SIC. With your help, through your continued engagement with our publication, we can make ROCYS into a landmark journal for the region and a contributor to the growing academic excellence of Romania in the ITC sector.

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