Current articles

Spring 2024, No. 1, Vol. 6 / Romanian Cyber Security Journal

Empowering National Cybersecurity: The CYRESRANGE Project

Andreea DINU, Carmen-Elena CÎRNU,


In an era characterized by rapid technological advancement, the field of cybersecurity emerges as a cornerstone for any nation aspiring to fortify its defenses against an array of potential cyber threats. Over the past decade, the proliferation of cyber attacks has highlighted the necessity that experts consolidate their knowledge and resources, by crafting robust tools and methodologies to safeguard national security within the cyber domain. Moreover, community engagement is of paramount significance in this context, with collaborative efforts serving as a linchpin for effective action in cyber defense. This paper aims to present a national initiative designed to bolster the arsenal of defense against external cyber threats, while concurrently raising awareness of these threats and expertise in this field through the utilization of national cyber range resources.

Cyber range, Collaboration, National initiative, Awareness, Cybersecurity, Training

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Andreea DINU, Carmen-Elena CÎRNU, "Empowering National Cybersecurity: The CYRESRANGE Project", Romanian Cyber Security Journal, ISSN 2668-6430, vol. 6(1), pp. 75-83, 2024.