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Farinaz SABZ ALI POUR, Paul NICULESCU-MIZIL GHEORGHE, "A Blockchain-Enabled Model to Enhance Disaster Aids Network Resilience", Romanian Cyber Security Journal, ISSN 2668-6430, vol. 3(2), pp. 77-87, 2021.

Romanian Cyber Security Journal / Fall 2021, No. 2, Vol. 3

A Blockchain-Enabled Model to Enhance Disaster Aids Network Resilience



The disaster area is a true dynamic environment. Lack of accurate information from the affected area create several challenges in distributing the supplies. The success of a disaster response network is based on collaboration, coordination, sovereignty, and equality in relief distribution. Therefore, a trust-based dynamic communication system is required to facilitate the interactions, enhance the knowledge for the relief operation, prioritize, and coordinate the goods distribution. One of the promising innovative technologies is blockchain technology which enables transparent, secure, and real-time information exchange and automation through smart contracts in a distributed technological ecosystem. This study aims to analyze the application of blockchain technology on disaster management resilience. Blockchain technology, the Internet of Things (IoT), and Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling (DVFS) algorithm are integrated in a network-based simulation. The results indicate an advancement in disaster-aids network strategies using smart contracts for collaborations. From the investigations, insights have been derived for researchers in the field and the managers interested in practical implementation.


Blockchain Technology, Disaster Supply Chain Model, Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling, Internet of Things, Agent Based Modeling

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