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Spring 2023, No. 1, Vol. 5 / Romanian Cyber Security Journal
Dr. Adrian Victor VEVERA
Founding Editor in Chief, General Director, ICI Bucharest
Welcome to the new issue of the Romanian Cyber Security Journal. Our journal is in its fourth year and is well on its way to becoming a flagship product for ICI Bucharest, tying together an ever wider community of research and policy expertise with the purpose of exploring the fascinating and rapid evolutions in the cyber threat environment in the context of the rapidly digitalizing world. The pandemic has accelerated trends in the digitalization of public administration, education and labor which had been evolving steadily for years, and the gradual shift away from the pandemic in the public consciousness does not detract from the significant transformations which have already taken place. Cybersecurity is more important than ever, and our knowledge, training, resources and innovation capacity must keep pace with the cyber threat environment.