Journal Aim and Scope

Romanian Cyber Security Journal
Cyberspace is a complex interactive domain composed of digital networks and other information systems that support our businesses and services. It is used to store, modify and disseminate information as a virtual environment of information and interactions between people. The dynamic globalization of information services in relation to technological innovation has led to increased connectivity, complexity and vulnerabilities of information systems. Therefore, the cyber security domain is considered one of the crucial national security issues of our times.
First of all, the Romanian Cyber Security Journal (ROCYS) is a knowledge resource for practitioners, scientists, and researchers working in various fields of cyber security, hacking, digital forensics, cyber warfare, viruses and worms domain or in the critical infrastructure protection area. The peer-reviewed articles are written by cyber security professionals drawing on practical experience in national critical infrastructure, government, corporate, finance, military and non-profit organizations.
ROCYS welcomes original contributions describing unpublished results of theoretical, empirical, conceptual or experimental research.
ROCYS is published twice a year, with the issues usually called Spring Edition and Fall Edition.
ROCYS does not publish advertorial or advertising but exclusively articles on key topics in the inherently interdisciplinary cyber security domain. ROCYS is an excellent opportunity for beginners but also a mark of excellence for experts in the cyber security field.
Some of the most important aims of this journal are to increase the impact of knowledge as well as to maximise the visibility of the scientific results.