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Spring 2021, No. 1, Vol. 3 / Romanian Cyber Security Journal

Increasing the Competence and Resilience of Industrial Cybernetics by Involving the University Environment

Florin POPESCU, Olivia COMȘA,


The evolution of modern society is inconceivable today without digital development. From easier access to internet to the services and industries digitization and the development of sophisticated critical infrastructure, all involve the extensive use of digital services and internet. In addition to the benefits of fast access to documents and information, the danger of cyber-attacks is gradually increasing. As there are no physical borders for the digital world, since 2021 Romania is a new participant in the creation of the “European Industrial, Technological and Research Center on Cyber Security” and a regional player of international importance in this process. Thus, cyber security is no longer just a technological option, but also a societal need. Cyber threats are no longer limited to cybercrime, but have become a subject of national security. To meet these challenges in the context of the accelerated services and industries digitization has become crucial for the creation of a cyber security ecosystem through a public-private partnership between authorities, research centers, universities and the private sector in order to increase the resilience of critical infrastructure and to promote research, innovation and technology transfer.

University Cyber Range, OT, Virtual platforms, Industrial cybernetics, IT, SCADA

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Florin POPESCU, Olivia COMȘA, "Increasing the Competence and Resilience of Industrial Cybernetics by Involving the University Environment", Romanian Cyber Security Journal, ISSN 2668-6430, vol. 3(1), pp. 65-69, 2021.