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Spring 2023, No. 1, Vol. 5 / Romanian Cyber Security Journal

The Mythical Narcissus in the Endless Online Loop. On the Metamorphosis of a Myth in Cyberspace

Maria-Cristina ILIESCU


Is social media causing anxiety and breeding obsession? It cannot be determined whether the cause is social media and technology, but it occurred with the emergence of the internet. As nowadays people live in the world of Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or Twitter, where they can instantly connect on meaningful or superficial levels, the online behaviour needs to be understood, in order to gain insight into understanding the present culture, human development or stagnation in the current paradigmatic shift.

Digital Anthropology, Global Village, Avatar, Echo Chamber, Narcissus, cyberspace, digital twin, Artificial Intelligence

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Maria-Cristina ILIESCU, "The Mythical Narcissus in the Endless Online Loop. On the Metamorphosis of a Myth in Cyberspace", Romanian Cyber Security Journal, ISSN 2668-6430, vol. 5(1), pp. 57-65, 2023.